The Catholic Church has always believed that her first mission given her by Christ Jesus is the salvation of souls. The Church must be true to her own identity and mission. Thus, the teachings of the Catholic Church must permeate all aspects of her activities. As a result, the Catholic community has a responsibility to be a witness to truth, charity and justice based on the Gospel; and must always strive to be respectful of persons and understanding of the struggles present within and among the people of God. It would be inconsistent with the Church’s mission to teach, promote, or encourage anything that is contrary to the teachings she has received from God and which the Magisterium has clearly and consistently articulated. For this reason, the Church cannot, and may not, sponsor, endorse, facilitate, or host such organizations, events or activities that would promote such views, in any form or format whatsoever.
With specific regard to the human person, the Catholic Church has always and everywhere affirmed her belief that each and every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. As such, every person deserves respect, dignity, and freedom from discrimination. By remaining true to what Christ has taught concerning the human person, the Church encourages individuals to accept their own bodies and gender as they were created,[1] and seeks to help all people to recognize that the current attempts in modern culture to redefine gender and social institutions, as well as alter the nature and purpose of human beings, are misguided and not in accord with the truth. Therefore, it would be morally unacceptable for the Catholic Church, including the Diocese of Toledo, its parishes, schools, or ecclesiastical organizations to provide accommodations based on anything which in itself is contradictory or antithetical to the teachings of Christ and his Church, including notions of gender and sexuality that are contrary to Catholic teachings. For a fuller catechetical treatment of this topic, see Exhibit ##.
With specific regard to Catholic parishes, schools and ecclesiastical organizations of the Diocese of Toledo, all activities and ministries are to be rooted in, and consistent with, the principles of Catholic doctrine. Therefore, in every parish, school and institution, all paid employees and unpaid volunteers will:
Support persons with gender dysphoria by treating them with sensitivity, respect, and compassion.
On a case-by-case basis, consider in a compassionate way any specific request sensitive to the physical and psychological needs of a person. The basis of the consideration will be on the following questions:
What is the specific request of the adult, student and/or parent(s)/guardian?
Is the request in keeping with the teaching of the Catholic Church?
Is the parish, school or ecclesiastical organization reasonably able to provide for the request?
Require that names and pronouns be in accordance with the person’s biological sex.
Maintain names in records according to the person’s biological sex.
Provide if possible, a private bathroom for use by any person who desires increased privacy.
Confirm that uniforms and gender specific dress, bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and sponsored activities will all be according to biological sex.
Require that participation on athletic teams and extra-curricular activities be according to biological sex.
Consult the Office of Marriage and Family Life with extenuating circumstances.
[1] Pope Francis. Amoris Laetitia 56.